Are you ready to start carrying concealed?
Classroom and 1 on 1 Range Time
(Female Instructors)
This class will give you an introduction to carrying a concealed firearm, from clothing choices, holster positions, recognizing potential threats, avoiding confrontation and drawing safely from a holster.
Experience required. Not for first timers. Must already know safe gun handling and fundamentals.
Cost: $125 ( $40 non refundable deposit to reserve spot)
Class size limited to 10
This is NOT a new shooter class. Must have some experience.
What you will need:
- Driver's License
- Eye and hearing protection
- Closed toed shoes
- Sturdy Belt
- Semi automatic gun or revolver
- Outside the waistband KYDEX holster made specifically for your firearm**** (exceptions by permission only) No serpa holsters ( a holster that requires you to press a button to release tension with your trigger finger)
Because this is an "intro" class, we will not allow iwb holsters ( inside the waistband) We may make exceptions for IWB upon request.
- 100 rounds of ammunition ( can be purchased the night of class)
- Cover garment ( Jeacket, sweater/sweatshirt etc to conceal firearm)
If the class is sold out, please "purchase" a free ticket for the wait list!
**Must be 21 to shoot a handgun without a Parent or Guardian.
*Refund Policy: Deposit is NON REFUNDABLE 8 days or less before the class. No credits.
* Mask Policy: An individual choice.